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Another happy patient from Pegasus Physiotherapy
Thanks Jon for the review after your physiotherapy session. Means a lot when people give such nice feedback. The different approach he...

Equine physiotherapy for the older horse
Amazing the difference one session of equine physiotherapy and the right exercises can make in the OAP equine patient! As ponies/horses...

Benefits of Physiotherapy in your home
No time wasted driving to and from a clinic, no hassle or cost of parking, evening appointments available to help fit physio treatment...

No real evidence to show lasers work, so they are not part of my equine physiotherapy practice
Having worked in professional sports for years there are lots of gadgets and equipment which clubs will spend ££££££££s on. Alter G...

Importance of riders looking after themselves! How rider physiotherapy can help with that
This article highlights just what I feel so strongly about.... that as a rider you have to look after yourselves as well as your horse...

Hacking - why it's important for your horses health
Great point made by Gina Lomas Equestrian - Rider/Trainer/Coach- hacking out gives horses a break from schooling. Flat work and jump...

Hard work with equine physiotherapy exercises do pay off! Feeling proud :-)
Had two horses today who have come on leaps and bounds with equine physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation. In hand exercising is hard...

RAMP (Registered Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners) - Working towards improving the standards for equine physiotherapists
Pegasus will part of RAMP (Registered Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners) as soon as it becomes live! I think the creation of RAMP...
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