Importance of riders looking after themselves! How rider physiotherapy can help with that

This article highlights just what I feel so strongly about.... that as a rider you have to look after yourselves as well as your horse and why rider physiotherapy can help with that.
How you move and what you feel has a huge influence on your riding position. This then has a huge effect on how the horse moves and what they feel. That's why Pegasus has a special offer of only £75 for initial assessments and treatment of both horse and rider.
As a Chartered Physiotherapist and Veterinary Physiotherapist Pegasus can identify any postural asymmetries or muscle imbalances you and your horse has. After treatment for you both we can discuss these findings with your instructor or trainer to give ideas of mounted exercises you can do. A comprehensive home exercise plan to help improve your riding off the horse is also given.
Conclusion of the paper discussed in the article:
The effective management of overuse injuries and pain in riders begins with the recognition of individual skill level and the demands of the specific riding discipline.
Maintenance of strong pelvic and core stability, trunk stability and balance is the foundation on which most rehabilitative efforts are based.
With treatment and rehabilitation riders should be encouraged to work with trainers to identify and correct technical deficiencies and direct rehabilitation with rider and horse functioning as a team.